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February is love… and more

February is loveand more

Saint Valentine’s Day has a special charm. It looks like flying on the wings of love, this holiday takes over the whole month. The gestures of attention are endless. Just take a look around! We admit that we do not mind and we enjoy every moment.

We think that there is no love as the love to gifts! Even the smallest one brings love that needs no words. 

In the spirit of the holiday Mall Rousse shall organize a special raffle. All you need is just a little luck to make your beloved one happy with any of the prizes that we have prepared. Are you curious to know what they are? Five of you shall win GiftCard, each of them amounting to 100 BGN, which you can use to surprise your beloved one or to get something for yourself that you wished for since the previous Saint Valentine’s Day. The rest of the lucky ones shall get double cinema invitations. Whether you shall use them for a romantic comedy or action movie – it’s all up to you.

If you are above the age of 18, you can make purchase at Mall Roussе from 12th to 14th February, amounting to at least 30 BGN and you can register in the special zone. The winners shall be announced on 17th February and the prizes shall be given with love.

All terms and conditions of the campaign see here: https://mallrousse.bg/.

Love is hiding in Mall Rousse – where else!


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